Sons of Confederate Vetrans
Camp No. 2298, Oraan, TX

Charge of the Sons of Confederate Vetrans

"To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we will commit the vindication of the cause for which we fought. To your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier's good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles which he loved and which you love also, and those ideals which made him glorious and which you also cherish."
Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee, Commander General
United Confederate Veterans
New Orleans, Louisiana April 25, 1906

Aboutthe Sons of Confederate Vetrans

The Sons of Confederate Veterans is a voluntary association of male descendants of those who served the Confederate States of America in the Confederate Army or Navy. We invite all of those who are eligible for membership to apply and multiply their individual abilities through the power of association.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) is neither political nor sectional; membership is distributed across the entire country, plus Europe and Brazil. The SCV strives to honor and keep alive the memory of the Confederacy and the principles for which Confederates fought, thus giving the world an understanding and appreciation of the Southern people and their brave history.
Among activities of the SCV are maintenance of historic sites such as Beauvoir, the home of President Jefferson Davis, sponsorship of symposia such as the annual Confederate History Symposium at the Confederate Research Center in Hillsboro, Texas, the marking of Confederate graves, sponsorship of reenactment groups and Confederate honor guards, the encouragement of historical literacy achievement, and the awarding of scholarships. Individual camps and Divisions establish their own calendars and schedules of activities in addition to national projects.
On June 30, 1889, the United Confederate Veterans (UCV) was organized at New Orleans, Louisiana. Descendants of those veterans met with the UCV, but never with full, official status. In 1894 and again in 1895, poorly planned proposals to form an official organization of these descendants were rejected by the UCV.
In 1896, Edwin P. Cox of Richmond, Virginia, led a well organized effort to establish a national structure for the "Sons" of Confederate veterans. At the 1896 convention of the UCV, a resolution was presented and adopted calling for the foundation of the Sons of Confederate Veterans as a separate national organization. But, before the vote was taken on the UCV resolution the Sons had already acted.
On June 30, 1896, in the Auditorium at Richmond, representatives of 24 camps and societies met to take action. J. E. B. Stuart, Jr., son of the noted cavalry leader, was selected as temporary chairman and a committee was appointed to draft a constitution. They worked late into the night. On the next day, July 1, 1896, the constitution was completed and adopted. The United Sons of Confederate Veterans had been born.
The structure of the new federation followed that of the Confederate Army; that is, there were three departments. The Army of Northern Virginia Department would be composed of the states of Virginia, Maryland, North and South Carolina, and Kentucky. The Army of Tennessee Department included Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, and Louisiana. The Army of the Trans-Mississippi Department included all states west of the Mississippi. Each state was designated as a Division.
The constitution stipulated that annual meetings would be held at the same time and place as the UCV. This procedure was followed through the last UCV convention in 1951. J. E. B. Stuart was elected the Commanding General of the SCV and Edwin Cox was appointed the first Adjutant General. No commander was elected for the Army of the Trans-Mississippi Department until the second convention in Nashville in 1897. No Texan served as Commander-in-Chief of the SCV from the time Edgar Scurry left office in 1922 until Ralph Green's election in 1986.
By the end of the 1897 convention of the United Sons of Confederate Veterans, the number of camps had grown to thirty-seven, with one in Texas. One issue facing delegates at that meeting was the question of admitting females into membership in the USCV. While the assembly voted to cooperate with the ladies and to secure their cooperation, a resolution changing the name of the organization to "Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy" was
voted out of order. The existence of the United Daughters of the Confederacy was perhaps a factor in the resolve to keep the organization male.
At various times through the years the constitution has been revised to meet the needs and changes dictated by the passage of time. For instance, in 1912, in Macon, Georgia, the name "United Sons of Confederate Veterans" was shortened to "Sons of Confederate Veterans." In 1914, the officer designations of Major General, Lieutenant General, etc., were eliminated. Today the various levels from camps through departments are headed by Commanders, with the national organization directed by a Commander-in-Chief. Record keeping and business operations are directed by our Adjutant-in-Chief. A General Executive Council was instituted to oversee the national organization, functioning similarly to a board of directors of a commercial enterprise.
For many years after its formation, the SCV grew and flourished. Cities large and small were proud to be the homes of SCV camps. These camps, meeting on a regular basis, presented historical programs and worked on local projects to promote the memory of the Confederate veterans and their ideals. In 1904, there were a total of 1,563 UCV Camps with 314 in the Texas Division, and there were 481 SCV Camps with 86 in the Texas Division. However, as the veterans passed away, the SCV membership and number of Camps waned.
In 1923, there were only 23 SCV Camps in the Texas Division. The number of camps increased to 166 by 1927, but the membership and numbers of camps dwindled as the War grew distant and young Southerners became less interested in their heritage. In 1941 the Texas Division became inactive, but in 1954, the Division began the process of rebuilding under the leadership of Division Commander Dr. Ralph W. Widener, Jr.
The centennial celebration of the War Between the States from 1961 to 1965 brought temporarily revived interest, but the late 1960s saw membership dwindle again. Since the mid-1970s, membership has again moved upward as more and more men became interested in knowing about their Southern heritage and the sacrifices made in behalf of that heritage. The 1980s and early 1990s have seen steady SCV growth both in terms of members and new Camp development.
In 1906, Lt. Gen. Stephen D. Lee of the Confederate States Army addressed the SCV. His charge to the Sons of Confederate Veterans is still pertinent:
To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we will submit the vindication of the cause for which we fought. To your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier's good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, and the perpetuation of those principles he loved. Remember, it is your duty to see that the true history of the South is presented to future generations. It is our responsibility to see that our children and friends are exposed to the actual history of the South. When we see or hear false or misleading statements, we must stand up and say "You were incorrect; the truth is . . .." If we do not, Southern history will surely perish. If we do, we will prevail

Why I Am a Member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans

BECAUSE I have a deep sense of loyalty to my family and that especially includes my great Grandfather, who, as a private in the Confederate Army with no hope of recognition except that his sacrifice would be remembered by his family, gave his life in defense of his country, his home and those who would come after him.
BECAUSE I believe in the promise of the Man of Galilee, of life after death. As my great grandfather looks down upon me from the Valhalla of Confederate heroes I want him to know that I am not ungrateful, that I remember and honor his bravery and sacrifice.
BECAUSE I have so much to be proud of in the Confederate Army. Its brilliant fight, under conditions of extreme privation, against an enemy overwhelming in numbers and equipment, so won the admiration of the world that 100 years later, a group of retired British Army and Navy officers organized the Confederate Historical Society of Great Britain, headquartered in London, to study its campaigns. In 1974, a group of Belgians organized the Confederate Historical Society of Belgium, based in Brussels, for the same reason and purpose. The Southern Skirmisher's Ass'n in England re-enacts battles of the War. Some members have to wear the Blue but typical of the sentiment, is one sturdy English Confederate who told a reporter: "...one Southern fighting man was worth two Yankees. I would never be anything but a Southerner."
No other army in history has been paid such a tribute by foreigners over a century after the war in which it was engaged. Are foreigners to admire and honor the valor of the Confederate soldier in my family while I remain indifferent?
BECAUSE I Love the South and I am proud to be a Southerner. I am proud of the culture, grace and elegance of the Old South, of our heritage of courage, honor, chivalry, respect for womanhood, patriotism, and of duty to God and country. I love the Confederate Flag and "Dixie" as stirring symbols of that heritage. I take pride in the earlier leading role the Old South played in the Revolutionary War, the drafting of the Constitution and the founding of the United States. I love the "Star Spangled Banner" and the Flag of the United States, and I served under that flag in World War II.
BECAUSE our Southern heritage has served our nation well since 1865. No section has surpassed the South in percentage of volunteers to defend our country in time of war. And, the Southern people, who lost everything in the War, and without government aid, had to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, traditionally adhere to the free enterprise system with its liberty and opportunity for all as opposed to the dictatorship of the welfare state with its liberty and opportunity for none.
BECAUSE even today, some of our school books, movies, television programs and press falsely portray Southerners as rebels and traitors who fought to preserve slavery, misleading our children and millions of Americans ignorant of history. Since my family fought for the Confederacy, they thereby falsely malign my family and me.
BECAUSE there are even those who would ban "as offensive" the playing of Dixie and the display of the Confederate Flag for which so many Southerners shed their blood; who would dismantle all monuments to our Confederate dead; who would erase all honor to Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, Wade Hampton, Jeb Stuart, and all our other Southern heroes. Their purpose is to destroy our proud heritage. As Winston Churchill said, "any people with contempt for their heritage have lost faith in themselves and no nation can long survive without pride in its traditions". Our enemies know this. At the same time of the movement to ban the display of the Confederate Flag, during the Vietnam War, we saw our American Flag spat upon, burned, and the flag of an enemy nation with whom we were at war, paraded through the streets of our Nation's Capitol.
BECAUSE I intend to defend my family's honor and remember the sacrifice of my Great Grandfather, Wilson L. Dykes, private in the Confederate Army, and because it is my patriotic duty to my country, I belong to the Sons of Confederate Veterans, a respected, non-partisan, patriotic organization dedicated to preserving our Southern Heritage for ourselves, our children, and our children's children, and to seeing that the history of the Confederate States of America and the war fought in its defense, is truthfully recorded.
I should also add that my membership is a pleasure because through the programs at SCV meetings I have become much better informed about the most fascinating War in our history, and through SCV social activities I have made many warm friendships, both locally and all over the country. Those of us who belong to the Sons of Confederate Veterans do so:
"In testimony of our love, recalling deeds immortal, heroism unsurpassed."
"With ranks unbroken, ragged, starved and decimated, the Southern soldier for duty's sake, undaunted stood to the front of the battle until no light remained to illumine the field of carnage, save the luster of his chivalry and courage."
We are determined that your glory be not forgot, as long as fame her record keeps.
January, 1979
Dean Boggs
Kirby-Smith Camp, No. 1209
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Jacksonville, Florida