Sons of Confederate Vetrans
Camp No. 2298, Oraan, TX
Constitution and By-Laws
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Judge Roy Bean Camp # 2298
Article I – Name
The name of this organization shall be Judge Roy Bean Camp.
Article II – Object
To associate in one united, compact body of men of Confederate ancestry, and to cultivate, perpetuate
and sanctify the ties of fraternity and friendship entailed thereby; to aid and encourage the history and
achievement from Jamestown to this present era, constantly endeavoring that the events of the War
between the States and the heroic contributions of the Confederate soldiers of Texas are authentically
and clearly written, and that all documents relics and momentous produced and handed down by those
active participant therein are properly treasured and preserved for posterity; to aid and assist in the
erection of suitable and enduring monuments and memorials to all Southern valor, civil and military,
whenever done and wherever found; to instill into our descendants a devotion to and reverence for the
principles represented by the Confederate States of America, to the honor, glory and memory of our
fathers who fought in that Cause.
Article III – Membership
Section 1: All male descendants, lineal and collateral, at least twelve years of age, of those who served
in the Confederate Army or Navy to the end of the war, or who died in prison or while in actual service,
or who were killed in battle, or who were honorably discharged, shall be eligible for membership,
provided no member under sixteen years of age shall have the right to vote.
Section 2: No one shall be admitted to membership until satisfactory proof of the foregoing
qualifications be submitted in duplicate on official blank applications prepared for the purpose, such
applications bearing recommendation by a member in good standing of Judge Roy Bean Camp. The
original shall be preserved by the Camp and the duplicate shall be forwarded to General Headquarters,
Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Section 3: All applications for membership in Judge Roy Bean Camp, received by the Adjutant, shall be
reviewed by the Commander. The Commander may submit the applications to a confidential, threeman
membership committee, appointed by him to pass approval of three-fourths of the membership,
will be granted full membership in the Camp.
Section 4: Annual dues must be submitted with completed applications to the Camp Adjutant
Section 5: Membership in the camp shall be: Active membership herein set forth.
Section 6: Active membership in the Camp is membership in the General Organization of Sons of
Confederate Veterans.
Section 7: Any member in good standing in the Camp, removing from the Camp, shall be entitled to a
certificate from the Camp Adjutant stating his membership and duration thereof.
Section 8: Applications for membership in the Camp must be read at a regular meeting of the Camp.
Upon reading of the application, membership in the Camp will be extended only after receiving twothirds
vote of acceptance by the membership present.
Section 9: An Associate Membership in the Camp may be extended to an individual who would
otherwise qualify in membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans excepting the requirement of
descendancy from a person who served in the Confederate Armed Forces. The Associate Membership
shall be nonvoting and must be approved by two-thirds of the Camp members present and entitle to
vote at any Camp meeting. An Associate Member cannot serve as officer of the Camp as defined in
Article VIII – Officers, but may serve in any other elected or appointed position, if so elected or
appointed. Dues for the Associate Membership shall be set pursuant to the provision in Article V –
Article IV – Nature
The Judge Roy Bean Camp shall be strictly historical and benevolent, non-political and non-sectarian.
Article V – Dues
Section 1: The annual dues to the Camp shall be set annually by the Executive Committee. Such amount
subject to approval by the membership at the Annual Meeting.
Section 2: Members in arrears four months in payment of dues shall be classed as delinquent, and six
months in arrears shall automatically impose suspension. Payment of all back dues within one year,
together with all additional levies for that year, shall permit reinstatement to active membership. A
member delinquent one year or more shall only be reinstated upon vote of the Camp and payments of
all amounts due by him to the Camp.
Article VI – Meetings
Section 1: Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Camp shall be in December of each year on a
date determined by the Executive Committee. If the annual meeting shall not be held at the time fixed,
it shall be held within a reasonable time thereafter, and the officers shall hold over until their successors
have been elected.
Section 2: Regular Meetings. The time, frequency and location of regular Camp meetings during which
the transaction of ordinary business transpires shall be determined by a two-thirds vote of the Camp
members present and entitled to vote at any regular or special Camp meeting.
Section 3: Special Meetings. A special meeting of the Camp may be held at any time upon call of the
Commander. The Commander shall also call a special meeting upon demand in writing, stating the
object of the proposed meeting, and signed by not less than 20 percent of the members entitled to vote.
Notice of the time, place and object of any special meeting shall be given all officers and members in
good standing, in writing by United States mail, not less than seven days prior to the fixed date for
holding of the meeting. The place of such special meeting shall be fixed by the Executive Committee.
Section 4: Quorum. Two-thirds of the Camp members present and entitled to vote at any Camp
meeting shall be considered a quorum.
Section 5: Rules of Procedure. The rules of procedure at any Camp meeting shall be those set forth in
Robert’s Rules of Order, revised, except wherein they may be revised by the Camp.
Article VII – Officers of the Executive Committee
Section1: The officers of the Camp shall be Commander, 1st Lt. Commander, 2nd Lt. Commander,
Adjutant/Treasurer, and as voting members of the Executive Committee, the immediate past two
Commanders, or in the absence of either of these two, the next in line chronologically of either of the
past Commanders in attendance at a regular meeting of the Executive Committee, except that no past
Commander shall be a member of the Executive Committee who has failed to maintain in good standing
in the camp. In the event of a shortage of members willing and able to serve as officers, the office of 2nd
Lt. Commander and Adjutant/Treasurer may be merged by approval of a majority of the membership in
its regular annual membership meeting. In such event the man occupying the two offices concurrently
shall, however, have but one vote on the Executive Committee.
The Commander and other members of the Executive Committee, excepting past commanders, shall be
elected by a majority vote of the members in good standing present at the annual business meeting of
the Camp. The vote, upon request by any member, shall be taken by paper ballot. Officers of the
Executive Committee shall be elected for a term of one year, or until their successors are elected.
Officers elected to the Executive Committee shall take office at the first meeting of each calendar year,
following their election.
Section 2: Staff officers of the Camp, in addition to those members of the Executive Committee named
in Section 1 shall be, subject to their availability and willingness to serve, Judge Advocate,
Quartermaster, Surgeon, Chaplain, Color Sergeant and Historian. These officers will be appointed by the
Commander subject to the approval of a majority of the Executive Committee. They may be replaced
for failure to serve conscientiously by the Commander; otherwise they will serve during the term of
service of the Commander. The Commander, may at his discretion, however appoint the same man to
two of these offices simultaneously, subject to approval of the majority of the Executive Committee.
Section 3: Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at any time and place as the Commander
may determine. Meetings may be called at any time on demand, in writing to the Commander by three
members of the Executive Committee.
Section 4: Three members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
Section 5: Resignation of any officer may be accepted by majority vote of the remaining members of the
Executive Committee.
Section 6: When an office is vacated as a result of death, resignation or removal, the Commander shall
appoint a successor, upon recommendation of the Executive Committee, such successor to hold office
until the next annual meeting.
Article VIII – Officers
Section 1: Commander – The Commander shall preside at all meetings of the Camp and Executive
Committee. He shall be a member of ex-officio of all regular and special committees, and shall perform
all such other duties as usually pertain to the office.
Section 2: First Lieutenant Commander – The First Lieutenant Commander shall perform the duties of
the Commander in his absence or at his request. He shall serve as program chairman, securing guest
speakers and presentations for Camp functions.
Section 3: Second Lieutenant Commander – The Second Lieutenant Commander shall perform the
duties of the Commander in the absence of the Commander and First Lieutenant Commander. He shall
be responsible for the enlistment of new members. He shall maintain and adequate supply of SCV
brochures and applications to accomplish recruitment of new members. He shall constantly strive for an
active, growing membership. He shall prepare and distribute to the membership in good standing a
roster of members, their addresses and phone numbers.
Section 4: Adjutant – The Adjutant shall conduct all official correspondence pertaining to the proper
preparation and forwarding of all reports required of the Camp to SCV Headquarters. He shall notify all
members of special meetings. He shall keep a true record of all meetings of the Camp and have custody
of the books and paper of the Camp, except the Treasurer’s books of account. He shall be keeper of the
Camp Seal. All applications for membership, initiation fees and first year dues shall be made to the
Adjutant. He shall responsible for the ordering of all items necessary for operation of the Camp. He
shall maintain adequate stock of SCV membership pins, decals and applications.
Section 5: Treasurer – The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds of the Camp and place the same in
such bank or banks as may be approved by the Executive Committee. Such money may only be
withdrawn by check signed by the Treasurer. He shall keep an accurate account of all his transactions
and render a detailed report to the membership at any meeting when requested. He shall present a
detailed report, in writing, of income and expenditures at the annual meeting. Bills paid by the
Treasurer shall have received approval by members of the Executive Committee. He shall be
responsible for the collection of dues and fees, taking proper note of the paying member, his address
and other information necessary in the maintenance of Camp records and posting such information with
the Adjutant.
Section 6: Judge Advocate – The Judge Advocate shall advise the officers and Executive Committee on
all legal matters including the construction and interpretation of the SCV General Constitution and Camp
By-Laws. He shall serve as parliamentarian at both regular and special meetings. Upon direction of the
Commander, he shall conduct investigations into charges or challenges brought against Camp members.
He shall perform such other duties as are usually incident to the office. In the absence of a Judge
Advocate, the Commander shall appoint an officer of the Executive Committee to conduct investigations
into charges or challenges brought against Camp members.
Section 7: Quartermaster – The Quartermaster shall be responsible for the procurement of meeting
sites and arrangements incident to the preparation for regular, special or social meetings of the Camp,
such sites and arrangements subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. He shall be
responsible for the operation of Camp stores, maintaining adequate stocks and other items necessary
for efficient operations. He shall account to the Commander as to expenditures.
Section 8: Surgeon – The Surgeon – the Surgeon shall be responsible for the establishment and
observance of ceremonial forms and courtesies of the Camp. Upon direction of the Commander or the
Executive Committee he shall issue announcements to the public concerning the Camp, it’s members
and activities. He shall be familiar with basic techniques of first aid and shall stand ready to administer
basic medical assistance when called upon at meetings and functions of the Camp.
Section 9: Chaplain – The Chaplain shall provide spiritual guidance for the Camp. He shall represent the
Camp in times of bereavement. He shall periodically report to the Commander concerning the wellbeing
of the members confined by illness. In the event of a member’s death, he shall immediately notify
the membership. He shall be responsible for the procurement of flowers, wreaths or such other items
incidental to the accomplishment of his duties.
Section 10: Color Sergeant – The Color Sergeant shall maintain and safeguard the Camp colors. He shall
issue the proper display of colors at all functions of the Camp and will lead members into salutes of the
colors. He shall appoint aides to assist in the performance of his duties.
Section 11: Historian – The Historian shall keep and maintain a written record of the Camp, it’s officers
and members, and its accomplishments during his tenure of office. He shall be responsible for the
collection of photographs, newspaper clippings and such other items as necessary for proper recording
of Camp history. All items will be affixed in a bound volume to ensure preservation.
Section 12: Executive Committee – The Executive Committee shall:
a) Approve or disapprove all bills presented to the Treasurer for payment;
b) Sit in judgement in all disciplinary matters
c) Authorize and approve all meeting sites and arrangements
d) Rule on all questions regarding the election eligibility and conduct of members
e) When in interest of the Camp, transact business on behalf of the members.
Article IX – Awards
Section 1: The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the creation and administration of a
program of awards presented to Camp members and non-members deemed worthy of recognition.
Section 2: The Executive Committee shall review and authorize the presentation of certificates and
awards except Commanders Commendations and Resolutions of Respect which are reserved to the
Article X – Suspension or Expulsion
Section 1: Any member may be suspended or expelled from the Camp for cause, such cause being
sufficient by the Executive Committee by two-thirds affirmative vote of its members of the Committee
present at any regular meeting. Cause for disciplinary action shall be:
a) Disloyalty
b) Neglect or duty
c) Dishonesty
d) Conduct unbecoming a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans
e) An act repugnant to the SCV Constitution or determined to the objects and purpose of the
Section 2: No vote on suspension or expulsion may take place unless at least fifteen days’ notice in
writing, shall be given to the charges preferred and of the time and place of the meeting of the
Executive Committee at which such charges will be considered. The notice must be delivered to the
member by registered mail. At such meetings the member under charge shall be accorded a full
Section 3: The Executive Committee shall provide for true and accurate recording of all proceedings of
such hearings.
Section 4: Any officer may be removed by two-thirds vote of the members in good standing, present at
any special meeting called for that purpose. No vote on removal may be taken unless at least fifteen
days’ notice, in writing, shall be given to the officer of the reasons for removal and of the time and place
of the special meeting at which such ballot as to his removal shall be taken. The Executive Committee,
upon majority vote, may suspend the officer pending outcome of this special meeting. At such
meetings, the officer shall be given a full hearing.
Section 5: Charges against any officer or member may be preferred by any member in good standing,
shall be in writing, clearly stating the facts relied upon and accompanied by all affidavits or exhibits
which are to be used in their support, such charges shall be filed with the Adjutant, who will
immediately notify the Commander. The Commander will call a meeting of the Executive Committee to
hear the charges. The Adjutant will give at least fifteen day’s written notice of the meeting to each
member of the Executive Committee and to the accuser and to the accused, which notice shall be in
writing and include a true copy of the charges and of the supporting affidavits and exhibits.
Section 6: Any member suspended or expelled by the Executive Committee may appeal to the full
membership of the Camp. Such appeal shall be made in writing to the Adjutant who will notify the
Commander. The Commander will call a special meeting of the Camp for the purpose of acting on the
appeal. The Adjutant shall give at least fifteen days’ notice in writing to all members of the Camp in
good standing stating the date, time and place and reason for such special meeting. At the meeting of
the full Camp, the Adjutant will read the original charges, the supporting affidavits, and will read or
display the accompanying exhibits and affidavits and will read the minutes of the special meeting of the
Executive Committee at which the charges were heard and action taken. A full hearing will be given to
the accuser and accused. A vote will be taken by ballot of the members in good standing present and
two-thirds vote shall be required to reverse the action of the Executive Committee.
Section 7: Any member who has been suspended or expelled, and having exhausted the foregoing
appeals procedures, has the right to appeal to the General Executive Council, Sons of Confederate
Veterans, the decision of which shall be final. A member expelled by the Camp is ineligible for
membership in any other Camp of the Confederation.
Article XI – Prohibitions
Section 1: No discussion of political or religious subjects, nor any political action, nor endorsing of
aspirants for political office, shall be permitted.
Section 2: No assessment shall be levied upon Camp members other than annual dues and initiation
fees, except by resolution of the general membership.
Section 3: Proxy voting shall not be permitted in the conduct of Camp elections or business.
Section 4: A Compatriot should at all times during an annual meeting, monthly meeting, special meeting
or executive committee meetings refrain from using the term “Civil War” when referring to the war
between 1861 – 1865. Compatriots may use the term, “War of Northern Aggression” or “War Between
the States”.
Article XII – Official Ladies
The Camp Commander may appoint only the following ladies to represent the Camp: Matron of Honor,
Chaperon, Sponsor and three Maids of Honor.
Article XIII – Official Observances
The Camp shall religiously observe the celebration of Memorial Day.
Article XIV – Amendments
Any proposed amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws may be introduced by any member of the
Camp at any regular meeting or special meeting called for that purpose. A vote may be taken upon the
proposed amendment provided a copy of the intended amendment has been sent to each Camp
member in good standing, by United States Mail, at least ten days previous to the meeting. A two-thirds
vote of the members present, by ballot, will be necessary to pass or reject.