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Sons of Confederate Vetrans
Camp No. 2298, Oraan, TX
Confederate Veteran Magazine
Confederate Veteran Magazine 1893-1938
Confederate Veteran Magazine is in the public domain and available for download.…
One of the many privileges of winning a war is that the victors gain the right to record history as they want the world to remember them. Too often, the conquered never get to tell their side of the story. The binding pride and ideologies of the South are remembered within the volumes of these historical treasures. Confederate Veteran Magazine was a window to these ideologies with greater understanding of the southern stance to both unify and be remembered for their accomplishments, struggles and losses. The Confederate Veteran Magazine was a publication that ran for 31 years with a total of 372 monthly issues between 1893 and 1923. The magazine was published by "The Sons of Confederate Veterans". All 31 years of these magazines have been carefully preserved in adobe .pdf format on DVD so they are easy to read, search and print from. The magazines are searchable so finding the

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