Sons of Confederate Vetrans
Camp No. 2298, Oraan, TX
The National Confederate Museum
at Historic Elm Springs
Sons of Confederate Veterans
The truth about the South's struggle to form a new nation is under attack as never before. The National Battlefield Parks have be taken over by the “it's all about slavery” provocateurs. Museums have changed their collections and interpretations to present what they call the cultural history of the War for Southern Independence. In reality this new perspective is nothing more than South bashing. The forces of political correctness have gone into high gear. They attempt to ban any and all things Confederate through their ideological fascism.
There needs to be at least one place where the people of the South and others can go to learn an accurate account of why so many struggled so long in their attempt to reassert government by the consent of the governed in America!
The General Executive Council of the Sons of Confederate Veterans made the commitment in October of 2008 to start the process to erect a new building that will have two purposes. One of the uses of this new building will be to give us office space and return Elm Springs to its original grandeur. However the main function is to house The Confederate Museum. We are planning a museum that will tell the truth about what motivated the Southern people to struggle for many years to form a new nation. At the SCV Reunion in July of 2009 the GEC set up a building fund for this purpose. One of the goals is to provide an accurate portrayal of the common Confederate soldier, something that is currently absent in most museums and in the media.
These plans are now becoming action. The ground breaking will take place in 2016. Click the link above to see the proposed building!
You are invited to make your stand for the future by contributing to this fund.
Send checks to:
Sons of Confederate Veterans
c/o TCM Building Fund
P.O. Box 59
Columbia, TN 38402
Or you can call 1-800-MY-DIXIE to pay by credit card.
Or you can make a contribution online using your credit card HERE